Wednesday 21 December 2011


aah. petang nanti ada test. programming test.
memang I boleh jawab pun nanti kalau tak sentuh pun buku tu.
memang pilihan jawapan yang dia kasi tu untuk I tembak.
bagus lah tu. okay. bye.

Friday 9 December 2011

Idea? no. I dont have it.


this entry is dedicated to this one hamba Allah.
he asked me to update my blog.
tapi tak tahu nak update apa. Im a loser. remember?

btw,, jihangay! thank you tolong hantarkan dobi I. terharu.  =')
pa'j! thank you tolong tandakan attendance I. terharu lagi. =')
intan! thank you tolong jagakan semua barang barang saya. sekali lagi terharu. =')

okay dah. thats all. bye.
 off from UTP. 

Friday 23 September 2011

the power of words

learn how to communicate nicely to people.
and you deserve the respect. =)

p/s : nothing much to say. I just love you pa'j. Thanks for everything. <3

Wednesday 17 August 2011

damn awesome.


salam ramadhan.
and now,, nak jadikan blog as shoes display kejap.

those people yang sedar diri dia renek macam I,, memang suka pakai heels sebab nak
sorokkan kerenekkan.

once I got this,, tak nak pakai sampai ke tua. sayang. kenapa lah cantik sangat??

gila lah. owesome tersangat lebih.


I really adore this.

I want this kind of shoes NOW please. please.

bawak pergi kelas macam best. senang sepak orang.

lebih kurang sama sikit like mine. 
p/s : I am a shoes lover.