Saturday 5 July 2014

Enactus Malaysia National Cup 2014

yes. I know. It has been quite a while. life is not about blogging everything anyway.
but I need to share this. because this is one of the reasons why I feel bless to be one of them.

emnc ni where we (enactus all around malaysia; multi-u) present the projects that have been executed through out the year. we are not a charity club. no. we empower the people in need to do some businesses to support their lives. <--- ni description yang paling simple wadi boleh bagi. lepas tu, present semua yang kita dah buat. the most impactful one to the community will represent malaysia pulak pergi beijing (this year) macam last year mexico. next year south africa insyaAllah.

date: 25-27th may 2014
venue: Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC)
team: University Technology of Petronas
no of team: 20 people

Road to EMNC 2014

mock presentation depan Student Advisory Board (SAB)

the night before

 UTP's team :)

Day 1 (registration day)

the most swag one. technical team, amirah tahir and her crews.

presenters' team

documentation's team

with one of the uitm's presenters

and we make it happen :)
Day 2 (competition day)

westport league. compete against UMP, UniMAP, UNITEN Kshas and UPM

first round
cocktail and networking session

Day 3 (semi-finals and final round)

semi final. competing against uitm and uniten kshas. stage dia bagi besar punya. sebab memang macam final round pun.
tough luck every year. talent corp league. 

nampak tak mun shaved ? hahaha. handsome dah.

left: khoo (usm's president)
right: akmal (ours)
memang semua president enactus pendek pendek comel comel ke macam mana

networking lagi.
thank you for all the supporters. without you guys, we
were never strong went through this :)

gambar mahal ni weehhhhh hahahaha. aku janji mal. kau sorang je comel. janji.
dah pi intern sekarang baru kitorang start nak rindu. 
alumi enactus utp pun merangkap salah sorang judges.
thank you untuk semua benda zeff :)

with red. (most left and botak one. haha) team leader kitorang last year. pun pendek jugak. adoi.
helmie fiqri, kak farah, sab, hazim halimi, pot, fatin habib, sarah, erni, semua lah yang legend legend tu
ada jugak tapi tak jumpa gambar dengan korang. jumpa yang ni je :(
thank you sangat datang support. glad to have you guys :)

till meet again next year in april. wishing you best of luck uniten kshas.
you'll be around tapi I tak dahh. intern dah masa tu :(
*tak. im not the shortest. tengok balik. semua pakai heels. wadi tanggal dah. barai sangat dah. tak nak jugak mengaku*

and for all that, we just made to the semi-finals. alhamdulillah. all paid off. takde rezeki lagi tahun ni. next year maybe ? dont lose hope. keep inspiring people. we'll come back stronger each year. berkampung for almost 2 months with the team was such a great memories. It really worth to spend my 4 months break with them. thank you for inspiring me to help more unfortunate people.

for all the moments happened all the way to national, even during the national.. may the bond between us never lasts. I'll be surely miss the moments being at the meeting room, training session, the tears (semua salah akmal. suka buat orang emosi) and may the spirit of enactus spurs into the community that we impacted. (mak cik aisyah dekat kg aji pun dah pro sebut enactus) *i laughed out loud sangat sampai keluar air mata tak tipu* terima kasih untuk semua. next year wadi datang jadi observer pulak okay ? no worries. will always support korang. wadi akan try datang jugak. try hard jugak mintak cuti hahaha. that was our last chance to work together. lepas ni adik adik yang ada teruskan apa yang tak habis kay ? this journey will never stop till it reaches its desired destination.

"and it proves that enactus utp works as one dynamic team in;
inspiring others through actions
creating opportunities through ideas
developing talent beyond passion
shaping dynamic future leaders,,
we are, enactus utp.
empowering men, empowering women, empowering the community."


Saturday 15 March 2014

Langkawi maybe ?

pictures talk better sometimes.

Day 1

sunset as you know because obvious kot
Day 2

Day 3

 Day 4

happy because I own them as my everything.
thank you. thank you. thank you :)