Friday 13 April 2012


Maybe it should start out like this. 

I used to be a wanderer. taking everything one step at a time, planning nothing, merely drifting from one memory to another. how perfect it would be if we could choose our memories. keep the valuable and happy ones and discard the heartbreaking or sad incidents. selective memory, they call it. like what I often do in odd and awkward moments, selective hearing.

or in other, yet, harsher terms, ignorance. I truly believe in the saying 'ignorance is bliss.'

  • Do whatever that makes me happy.
  • Don't waste time waiting for something that's not gonna happen. you pray for it. and if Allah thinks its good enough for you, He will give. if it's not, then don't worry, He'll give you something better.
  • "Kalau kawan nak tahan lama, tak boleh laa nak berkira sangat"
  • If you love something, set it free. if its meant to be yours then it will come back. 
  • Sometimes the truth hurts even more than lying.
  • At least talk to the guy because once upon a time, he used to be your everything.
  • Fairytales and happy endings don't come easily. you have to work for it.
  • Promises are made to be broken. broken promises hurt you no matter how well you prepare yourself for it.
  • "Jangan mengharap in the first place. nanti siape akan sakit? diri sendiri jugak"
  • Good-looking guys are hard to come by. nice guys are even harder to find. combination of the both no longer exists in this century.
  • "Apa kesah diorang tak suka I? melambak lagi orang yang sayang I kat dunia ni"
  • Myth : All emotional pain last for 12 minutes. any pain afterward is self-inflicted.
  • Crying will get you nowhere, but it does help when the tears fall.
  •  Words are only words, till you actually mean what you say. so, can you show me something else?
  • The more you promise you wouldn't change, the more likely you are gonna transform into someone totally different.
  • Don't hate something/someone too much. you're gonna end up loving it/him/her.
  • I tend to be more attracted to cute guys who are a bit arrogant, rather than the cute guy who's too friendly and practically says hye to everybody on Facebook -.-

 p/s : notice the pattern in the way that I blog now? why yes it's annoying to me too. =.=

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