Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tun public lecture. Graduates in 21st century.

assalamualaikum and hello =)
sharing session okay this time. I went to utp last week for some reasons. and fortunately Tun Dr Mahathir was there to give his public lecture. sooo we just 'jooommmm dengarrr !!'

It was worth attending for. Inspiring speech by him, kinda jokes but serious in his talks.

"the changes around us is not always about politic."
"quest for knowledge goes beyond academic qualifications."
"koreans adjust to their surrounding, knowledgeable, work hard and discipline."

basically dia banyak talk about us. you know. on how to be a better person, the qualifications to be hired by a good company, attitudes, skills, how good your communication skills, how you deal with certain serious problem etc. and lets put the salary aside. serve for the country, religion and not just for yourself.
talked about the world. history, wider vision. that amount of knowledge that he has is awesome. 
banyak lagi sebenarnya yang dia cakap. tapi ingat ingat lupa. well. all people around the world adore him much. pemimpin dunia. I wish I can deliver a good speech without any texts. kinda imba.

full house !

these girls were on fireeee ! *they say*
well. thats all. see ya ;)

Monday 4 March 2013

pray for them

lets embrace each other individuality.
pray for those yang dah terkorban dalam isu pencerobohan di sabah. 
I dont really get involve in this politic thingy tapi kena ambil tahu. decided for not to say much on this sebab tak nak sentuh sensitiviti sesiapa. but seriously, it really matters. I do read  those stuff. errrmm,, basically newspapers, blogwalking, articles etc. berita especially lah kan. 

salahkan sesama sendiri tak selesaikan apa apa pun sebenarnya. benda dah jadi. mereka dah pergi. we learn from mistakes. daripada bertelagah nak tegakkan benang masing masing, well,, kinda 'siapa betul siapa salah,,' it is much better when we stand together. nyawa mana ada ganti. isu politik please tolak tepi kejap. fikirkan lah perasaan keluarga yang terlibat. all about humanity. 

Friday 1 March 2013

the coffee. my coffee.

hello and assalamualaikum people. awesome people. march is coming.

I adore myself sometimes. because at least, I stand with my own feet. ya I know. semua orang memang pakai kaki sendiri pun kan. tak pinjam kaki orang pun. double meaning gaiisss. people rarely remember the millions times you help them, only the one time you don't. but don't pick up other people flaws when you cant even see your own. being nice and respect people not because they always right, but because they are human and it's not always about us. when people talk, listen completely because most people never listen.  the quieter I become, the more I can hear. have more than I show, and speak less than I know.

Two things define you. your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.
maybe there is something you are afraid to say, or someone you are afraid to love or somewhere you are afraid to go. remember. patience is virtue. dont be the person they want to see when they look at you. be the person they knew the first time they saw you. I dont love someone because they are perfect, I love them in spite of the fact that they are not. because you were born to be real, not perfect.

Life is not about being who everyone else wants you to be. it's about being yourself and finding someone that loves every bit of it. you can't always decide who walks into your life, but you can decide which window to throw them off. when your legs get tired, run with your heart. the person who deserves to live together in your good moment and share your happiness is the one who knows how to share your sadness and stay in your worst condition. there are two reasons why people don't talk about something. either it doesn't mean anything to them or it means everything. including me.

because sometimes, you know those moments we might have faced when mamat or minah kepoh wanted to know something badly about you especially rumours or anything bad just because for the sake of nak tahu. tak payah lah nak buka aib orang. some people might really care, but some, wont just understand, they gonna start to misinterpret, misunderstood and that's gonna make you feel worse. things gonna be worse. and me myself as a human, try my best to make my presence, my words as the reasons for someone to smile, to be better. for some reasons, sometimes people are confused between caring and being annoying.

just so you know, it's my life. I make my own coffee. nak yang manis ke, pahit, color putih, hitam pekat belikat ke, I'll make it by myself. so do you. keep smiling because you deserve to. living in this world is to express. not to impress. be better in time.

so much me