Tuesday 12 March 2013

Tun public lecture. Graduates in 21st century.

assalamualaikum and hello =)
sharing session okay this time. I went to utp last week for some reasons. and fortunately Tun Dr Mahathir was there to give his public lecture. sooo we just 'jooommmm dengarrr !!'

It was worth attending for. Inspiring speech by him, kinda jokes but serious in his talks.

"the changes around us is not always about politic."
"quest for knowledge goes beyond academic qualifications."
"koreans adjust to their surrounding, knowledgeable, work hard and discipline."

basically dia banyak talk about us. you know. on how to be a better person, the qualifications to be hired by a good company, attitudes, skills, how good your communication skills, how you deal with certain serious problem etc. and lets put the salary aside. serve for the country, religion and not just for yourself.
talked about the world. history, wider vision. that amount of knowledge that he has is awesome. 
banyak lagi sebenarnya yang dia cakap. tapi ingat ingat lupa. well. all people around the world adore him much. pemimpin dunia. I wish I can deliver a good speech without any texts. kinda imba.

full house !

these girls were on fireeee ! *they say*
well. thats all. see ya ;)

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